F8072 FX-20 R6108SB 2,4 GHz

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EUR 475,00 EUR 399,16
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F8072 - FX-20 2.4 GHz FASST R6108SB
Fully-developed 10 (14) - channel computer transmitter for tray with integrated 2.4 GHz FASST technology.

Immediately available in the download area, a free software update for this facility available to what is to increase the number of control channels from 8 +2 to 12 +2 (MULTI2 mode). This download can be requested by mail at download-service@robbe.com.
Existing plants can of course be self- updated by the user. Therefore now possible to model gliders with up to 8 doors in the area, and large model aircraft and jets can be controlled easily with special function.
Furthermore, the update includes the following functions:
- servo center point of roll, pitch and pitch in the swash menu function
- Adjustable pitch speed
- Expansion of area types and sailors in the engine model Multi2 mode
- Variable pitch propeller function (variable pitch)
- Free choice of the control function generator and gas butterfly, flight condition dependent
- Neutral and end-balance menu for the control sticks 1-4


- Free choice of menus, each user can put together their own custom menu, with the most frequently used functions.

With the FX-20 system, the range of the robbe-Futaba FASST transmitter tray extends downward, allowing an affordable entry into the 2.4 GHz technology.
- The FASST system is a Spread Spectrum system with frequency hopping (FHSS). It may therefore transmit a maximum power of 100 mW EIRP, giving it ample reserves even for large-scale model aircraft and jets.
- No co-channel interference, almost imperturbable, insensitive to electromagnetic pollution.
- A central point is the high resolution of 128 x 64 dot graphic display with background lighting which makes for easy reading.
- The elegant and simple design of the system is made possible by the new Cap-Touch system. Non-contact sensors that simulate the 3-D hotkey, a smooth, sealed surface devoid of projecting controls.
- Simple programming in conjunction with the graphical user interface. The tried and tested menu structure and operation has been largely taken over by the FX30 system, as well as modern and practical design case.
- The software is available in 8 languages: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Russian or Dutch.
- The stick units are double ball bearing and designed for universal mode. You can easily by the user from "throttle right" to "throttle left" switched.
- The FX-20 transmitter features the new Rotary stick trims. This type of trim combines the advantages of traditional analogue trims with those of digital trims. With a movement direction and magnitude of the trim value can be set and saved automatically.
- The linear sliders provide a practical means of auxiliary functions, such as gyro, valves or regulators.
- Overall, the complex has 10 (14) channels (8 (12) and Prop-2 switching channels), where the channel order is arbitrary.
- The transmitter has two analogue rotary encoders, linear slides 2 and 6 switches already fully equipped.

- As with all robbe desk stations is also in this system, the installation of stick switches provided. The electrical connection is already prepared internally.
- When the transmitter controls all controls are available. The order of the transmitter controls is freely selectable, as is the order of the servo outputs.
- Comprehensive software provides also for functionally-oriented engine, glider and helicopter models, all necessary functions.
- Plenty of freely programmable mixers are available with 5-point curves for setting up very complex mixer functions.
- Integral Trainer system with individual function transfer. User-configurable channel assignment of students to teachers.
- The SD card can be put in the software of the system at any time by the user up to date.
- 20 model memory internally, infinitely expandable via SD card - 2 GB per 3862 models.

General Features
- 4 functions joystick, 6 buttons, 2 rotary encoders, two linear sliders, optional 2 stick switches.

- 2 hour meter, including one model memory
- 2 free adjustable stop watches, with memory function
- Selectable display of big-timers
- Key Lock
- model selection, model 20 internal memory, expandable up to 3862 models via an optional SD card (2 GB)
- Memory model direct from the Start screen
- Trim Step or display in%, by reduction with zero-trim memory


System functions
- Trainer mode with individual function transfer and mix mode
- Trainer function and virtual channels, 8 or 12 channel mode
- Freely configurable channel assignment of students to teachers
- Hardware-reversal switch for all donors and
- Stick mode setting 1-4
- User name with 10 characters
- Language German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Russian or Dutch.


Basis functions
- Graphical display with servo and servo-neutral test
- Model selection and copy function, model name with 10 characters
- type of model selection, engine model, glider, helicopter
- General frequency switching / switching and modulation France 7 / 12 channel.
- Adjustable output order for channels 1-8
- Freely selectable transmitter controls - and trimmer selection for all functions
- Freely selectable transmitter controls and trimmers selecting and virtual channels.
- All control donors (including switches, etc.) freely selectable trimmer selection
- Digital stick trims, optionally with normal or ATL (asymmetrical) trim function. Alternatively, the group mode (effective in all flight modes) or single mode (effective only in relevant flight mode).
- Free allocation for the donor switching channels 9 + 10
- Servo center offset for channels 1-8
- Servo reverse for channels 1-10
- Failsafe setting, channel 3 (gas) in 7-channel mode, all channels in multi mode.
- Servo travel adjustment with Limit function (ATV) for the 8 proportional channels
- endpoint with limiter setting for channels 1-8
- Engine-off function
- Trim Step Setting
- Idle 2, with new rate + / -
- Selectable alarm mixer


Motor functions model
Comprehensive mixer menus for models with up to 4 wing servos. Besides the choice of wing type can also select from the following tail variants: normal, separate elevators with aileron function (ailvator) and V-tail. Deltas and powered flying wings with 2 .. 4 wing servos are available. These mixer menus are already on call to suit the model, pre-programmed with all the requisite mixer functions.
- 5 freely assignable and switchable Dual Rate / Expo settings.
- 5 free programmable mixer or 5-point linear curve per model memory, either with / without trim and offset.
- 5-point throttle curve
- Speed adjustment for throttle servo
- Aileron differential
- Mixer spoiler (flaperon)
- Mixing height spoiler (flaperon)
- Cross- site mixer
- Page-level mixer
- Snap roll mixer
- Mixture adjustment
- Gyro settings
- Mixer motor, for two-stage switching of motors with individual speed adjustment for level 1 / 2 and back and back.


Functions sailors
Also for model gliders are extensive mixer menus for models with up to six wing-mounted servos. Available with or without power. Besides the choice of wing type can also select from the following tail variants: normal, separate elevators with aileron function (ailvator) and V-tail. Flying wings with 2 wing servos .. 6 to choose from. These mixer menus are pre-programmed with all the requisite mixer functions.
- 5 flight modes per model memory, with prioritization and adjustable switching delay. With logic switching function.
- 5 free programmable mixer or 5-point linear curve per model memory, either with / without trim and offset.
- Aileron differential
Travel adjustment - Flaps
- mixer cross-camber
- mixer cross-site
- Mixer spoiler-camber
- Mixing height spoiler
- Mixer-camber height
- Cross-site mixer
- Butterfly mixer with offset and delay adjustment
- Butterfly mixer - Height
- Trim mixer mix for aileron, rudder and elevator, with speed adjustment and FZS-switching delay.
- Gyro settings
- Mixer motor, for two-stage switching of motors with individual speed adjustment for level 1 / 2 and back and back.
- 5-point curve for motor function


Functions helicopter
The helicopter mixer menus differ basically in the swashplate control. All classical controls such as H1, HE3 (90 °), HR3 (120 °), H-3 (140 °), H4 and H4-X (45 °) are integrated. A special feature is the adjustable pushrod for the H3 and H4 types. This eliminates the usual way with larger displacements or asymmetrical, which can cause servo to permanent damage. Also, the elevator function to be adjusted in speed to the delay difference in the HR/N3 120 ° to avoid linkage. - 5 free programmable mixer or 5-point linear curve per model memory, either with / without trim and offset.
- Swashplate ring mixer
- 5-point pitch curve normal, idle 1,2,3, auto-rotation. With logic switching function.
- 5-point throttle curve normal, idle 1,2,3, auto-rotation. With logic switching function.
- Autorotation
- swashplate mixer (virtual rotation)
- Swashplate mixer - gas (linear / Center)
- Rear mixer - gas (linear / Center)
- 5-point pitch-tail mixer, normal, idle 1,2,3, auto-rotation. With logic switching function.
- Mixture adjustment
- rotary mixer with 3 rates and fine trim adjustment
- Speed controller with 3 rates and fine trim adjustment
- throttle limiter




1 FX-20
1 LiPo transmitter battery, 7.4 V 3400 mAh
1 FASST Receiver R 6108SB 2.4 GHz
1 Switch harness with charge socket
1 12 V Lithium battery charger (2)
1 230 Volt SPS mains PSU for charging from mains




Technical data:

Output power: 90 mW
Transmission system: FSK
Weight: 1000 g
Channel spacing: 2048 kHz
More Specifications: Compatible with receivers R6004FF, R6007SP, R606FS, R6106HF / C, R6107SP, R607FS, R617FS, R608FS, R6008HS, R6108SB, and R6014FS R6014HS.
Frequency Band: 2.4 GHz ... 2.4835
Dimensions: 205 x 220 x 55 mm
Functions: 20/10 Servos
Power supply: 2S LiPo Battery 3400 mAh

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