Not available any more!!! archive items BK Cularis MPX 214218

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214218 Cularis ... The high-performance electric glider made of ELAPOR®

The EasyGlider was the fi rst step for many modellers into the world of model gliding
and thermals, and now we present the logical development and next step: the Cularis.
- Minimal cost
- Minimal building effort
- Minimal risk of breakage thanks to robust ELAPOR® foam
- Four-fl ap wing: camber-changing fl aps and butterfl y (crow) / landing aid function
- Optional electric power set with ample power
- Broad performance spectrum, including aerobatics and thermalling
- Wide speed range

The Cularis can be built as a glider or electric glider.
For the electric version we recommend the dedicated power set, # 33 2633. With the
recommended battery this power system provides 6 to 8 climbs to around 150 m on a
single charge. If you want more power, simply fi t a larger propeller (e.g. 12 x 8" or 13.5
x 7"); this gives a better rate of climb at the cost of reduced motor run times.
The set also includes a glider nose cone in which an optional aero-tow coupling can
be installed. The model can then be fl own as a glider and launched by aero-tow. Our
MENTOR makes a great tug for the Cularis.
Cularis - an ideal model for weekend and club pilots


Innovative features:
- The mechanical retainer system engages automatically when the wings are
plugged in; at the same time the servos are connected electrically, eliminating the
tedious task of connecting the wing-mounted servos.
- The all-moving tailplane is also removable, with an automatic retainer system.
Design features:
- Two carbon wing spars for ample strength
- Like the all-moving tailplane, the wings can be unlocked and removed very simply, making transport straightforward
- GRP reinforcements in the fuselage and tailplane
- Polycarbonate fuselage nose reinforcement
- Wing-mounted servos covered by protective fairings
- All the electronic components have a pre-defi ned position in the model.

Kit contents:
Moulded ELAPOR components
CFRP and GRP spars, Injection-moulded parts including motor bulkhead, Small
items and linkage components, Decal
sheet, Comprehensive illustrated building

Specifi cation:
Wingspan: 2610 mm
Fuselage length: 1260 mm
All-up weight: glider approx.. 1400 g
electric, with rec. power set approx. 1680 g
Wing area (FAI): approx. 55 dm²
Wing loading (FAI): from 25,5 g/dm²
Functions: levator, rudder, aileron and
butterfl y (crow)
Electric version needs throttle